Sunday, February 18, 2007

Rarararararrr Valentine's Day was really nice. Robbie and I made pasta as a joint effort (although tbh I'd say he did most of the work, because I am a bit of a fail at cooking) and then sat about playing Italia. Although I LOST. AND THEN I LOST AGAIN THE OTHER DAY. I HAVE LOST MY TOUCH.

And I did have to type that all in caps because I am distraught.

But not really =]

So yeah, it was a really nice day and then Robbie walked me home because he's lovely like dat.

This weekend's been a bit boring. Didn't go to school on Friday for a variety of family-related reasons linked with couldn't-be-arsedness, but went to Robbie's in the evenin' which was nice. Yesterday went to work, met Caz's LOVAHBOY who then broke up with her for being a tory. LOVAHBOY's friend heavy attacked me and it was a frightening experience which I cannot be bothered telling, because it is difficult to tell without the use of actions. It was not nice at all though. In the evening Michelle and I went to Le Cathouse but it was incredibly boring and most of the music was shite, although it is always nice to see Michelle ofc. She seems well lolz.

Today I have done nothing =o I have eaten a lot of Nutella though. Yumyumyum.

Ohh, and check this picture. I think it's funny. In Cancer Research, there is a bottle of non-alcoholic wine. This is Caz drinking it. And me looking completely disgusted.

Haha. Seeya later.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Goshhh. I'm so, so tired. I was awoken at 5am this morning when the phone outside my bedroom began ringing. This is not a natural occurance in my house, so I was aware that something was up. After that I heard my parents leave the house. I went back to sleep, because there really was nothing else I could have done.

At nine-thirty my mother phoned and told me my grandfather had had a stroke. The nurses and people are saying that he's going to be okay though, it seems. I went with my mum, dad and gran to see him a couple hours ago and he seemed alright, but very disorientated and stuff. I don't know.

I also had to get up early to help take my kittiezz to the vets yesterday. Half seven. Wtf man wtf. It was funny though because they were getting their teeth done, and when they came back from the vet's, they were still really dopey and they were stumbling about =] it made me lol a bit.

I've not been up to much recently, just shopping with people. On Sunday I went shopping with Joseph, on Monday I went with Debbie and today I went with Rosie (although Rosie and I didn't shop as much as we just kind of walked about, talked and munched, as we usually do). Robbie stayed over on Friday night too, which was good fun. A lot of munching was done =] yumyumyumyumyum.

It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, and my dad's birthday (and Debbie's parents' wedding anniversary fyi). That's about it =o

Take care plz =]