Sunday, February 18, 2007

Rarararararrr Valentine's Day was really nice. Robbie and I made pasta as a joint effort (although tbh I'd say he did most of the work, because I am a bit of a fail at cooking) and then sat about playing Italia. Although I LOST. AND THEN I LOST AGAIN THE OTHER DAY. I HAVE LOST MY TOUCH.

And I did have to type that all in caps because I am distraught.

But not really =]

So yeah, it was a really nice day and then Robbie walked me home because he's lovely like dat.

This weekend's been a bit boring. Didn't go to school on Friday for a variety of family-related reasons linked with couldn't-be-arsedness, but went to Robbie's in the evenin' which was nice. Yesterday went to work, met Caz's LOVAHBOY who then broke up with her for being a tory. LOVAHBOY's friend heavy attacked me and it was a frightening experience which I cannot be bothered telling, because it is difficult to tell without the use of actions. It was not nice at all though. In the evening Michelle and I went to Le Cathouse but it was incredibly boring and most of the music was shite, although it is always nice to see Michelle ofc. She seems well lolz.

Today I have done nothing =o I have eaten a lot of Nutella though. Yumyumyum.

Ohh, and check this picture. I think it's funny. In Cancer Research, there is a bottle of non-alcoholic wine. This is Caz drinking it. And me looking completely disgusted.

Haha. Seeya later.


Blogger By His Own Design said...

Nutella + Toast = Win

10:50 pm  
Blogger Ray said...

ray liek flan


9:32 pm  

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