Monday, July 31, 2006

Yesterday was alroight. In the afternoon me and Rosie were on a mission... Kinda. We sat in Starbucks for a while, not doing much but talking and laughing, then we went to Sentry Box and bought lots of bubbles =] which we took to the Botanics.

We saw Murray in the Botanics. He had a groovy nu 'do. FACT! What else? Ehh... we sat on a bench blowing bubbles and talking shite. It was good fun. In Sentry Box I also bought one of those worm things you used to be able to get that are like, bright colours and attached to a piece of wire so it looks like they're alive. Rosie attached it to her jeans then ran down the hill in the Botanics screaming "IT'S CHASING MEEEE!!!" as it flailed along after her. It was rathurr funny.

In the evening Robbie und ich went to le cinema and saw The Break-Up. It's so sad =o I was all like "omgdatsosad!1!!!111" but man, y'know what I'm like, I cry at like anything remotely sad, so the film was rather "aawww". Although it was quite funny too. It was a gewd night =] rofl @ the a cappella band though =P Ahurhurhur.

Now I am covered in cat hair, thanks to the lovely Shitebag who came and sat on me (yes, Shitebag does need a capital, because it is his name, foolz)

Tomorrow the TCG is at 1pm at the library. I might go if I can find my cards... I dunno though...


Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Post FTR!11!!111

So important it gets a heading.

This is THE POST. It has importance and meaning, for one reason and one reason alone: it is about this boy!11!!1!111

He's called Robbie, in case you were not already aware of that fact. Because it is a fact. Don't try and deny it. Robbie is kewl/kl/cool and has lots of good ideas about stuff. And he's fun, EFF-WYY-EYE. When we hang out we get the best ideas evarr and he doesn't get (too) annoyed when I make fun of 'im. 'Cause he knows I do it +lovez.

I'm trying to give this post some substance. Here are some emo hearts for Robbie, because I emo heart him <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 And I didn't copy+paste!1!! I did every one by hand as a show of my emo heart luvz.

I should do a hefty When Harry Met Sally post and make an embarrassing list of reasons why I love him. But I won't. Because that'd be gay. In a strictly heterosexual way.

Ehh what else... ? When I say something and he doesn't believe me he's pulls the best face ever. It's hefty "naw @ u, ur tokn shyt!1!!!11" so obvzz he uses it quite often... cause I talk a lot, so a lot of it's... shyt. Yeah, Robbie. Robbie pwnz it up...2k6.

What else can I say? He's hefty 'mazing you know, and I always have the best time whenever we're to-gevv-aahh =] but now this post becoming all mushy and like, lovey-dovey. I have nothing against mushy and lovey-dovey behaviour (in fact, I quite like it... I'm like that, you know), but I realise that teh intarrnetzz is probably not the best place for it... and it's probably quite embarrassing =o not to me, but probably to other people. roflz.

So I shall make this the last paragraph. I made this post with the sole reason of... passing time and... just 'cause, really (Also cause I said I would =P but it was funzz). It's fun when me and Robbie decide that it's time for one of our Iceland visits, and we go and buy loads of food then go back to my house to cook it and eat it. We're both gonna end up as heftaaay piezz. But it's fun.

And, just for the record, in case it was something else that you were not aware of, I love Robbie a lot. (Mwahahahahaaa I made another paragraph, foolz!!1!!1!111 but yah, kthxbaii-ee =] )

Well well well.

ColorQuiz.comMeeeeeesh took the free personality test!

"Her need to feel more causative and to have a wide..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Some of it is rather accurate, my young chums. Lololol. But the middley ones are pretty inaccurate (I think) and the ones at the end are probably a bit off too. The first ones were okay though... I think... ? Not sure reeeeally.

I'm dizzy.

Monday, July 24, 2006

I had a good weekend. Robbie and Lloyd stayed over on Saturday night which was fun. The word 'lol' was definitely said too often though.

Today was boring. I've barely done anything. It's sad. Aww.

Not much else to say. This week might be fun... ? I guess.

I'm tired.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Back home.

It's nice to be home.

I got back at like, 5am yeaterday and then spent the day with Robbie. The weather was amazin' o.o But kinda a bit too hot...

Yah so... the holiday was... hot. Kinda borin' though. Not much to say on it, except that it's nice how you can see the stars there. In the taxi on the way to the Cretan airport I watched the stars go by (until I fell asleep) and they were so pretty. Then on the plane I watched the sunrise. That was pretty too.

So yah, stuff to do this summer... omg where to beginzz.

I think it shall begin with DA SPOT REVISITED. Innit.