Monday, July 31, 2006

Yesterday was alroight. In the afternoon me and Rosie were on a mission... Kinda. We sat in Starbucks for a while, not doing much but talking and laughing, then we went to Sentry Box and bought lots of bubbles =] which we took to the Botanics.

We saw Murray in the Botanics. He had a groovy nu 'do. FACT! What else? Ehh... we sat on a bench blowing bubbles and talking shite. It was good fun. In Sentry Box I also bought one of those worm things you used to be able to get that are like, bright colours and attached to a piece of wire so it looks like they're alive. Rosie attached it to her jeans then ran down the hill in the Botanics screaming "IT'S CHASING MEEEE!!!" as it flailed along after her. It was rathurr funny.

In the evening Robbie und ich went to le cinema and saw The Break-Up. It's so sad =o I was all like "omgdatsosad!1!!!111" but man, y'know what I'm like, I cry at like anything remotely sad, so the film was rather "aawww". Although it was quite funny too. It was a gewd night =] rofl @ the a cappella band though =P Ahurhurhur.

Now I am covered in cat hair, thanks to the lovely Shitebag who came and sat on me (yes, Shitebag does need a capital, because it is his name, foolz)

Tomorrow the TCG is at 1pm at the library. I might go if I can find my cards... I dunno though...



Blogger Chris said...

"We saw Murray in the Botanics. He had a groovy nu 'do. FACT!"

O-o *is afraid*

6:27 pm  
Blogger Ray said...

I read it as "groovy noodle" at first, adding to the confusion.

Anyway, yes, Meesh. You should come... TO THE LIBRARY! *cackles then runs off*


6:31 pm  
Blogger Meesh said...

fsejt D=D=D=

But yah, both of you should be afraid of the nu 'do (not noodles)


8:01 pm  

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