people don't LIVE enough.
Everyone just picks at everything and makes everything more difficult for everyone else and gets annoyed and upset by all the little things. Now, obviously, being a stereotypical girly girl, I very often get annoyed and upset by things that should probably mean nothing to me. It's stupid, I know, but at least I'm not too hoity-toity (just wanted to say that cause it sounds cool) to admit it.
But yes, everyone takes life so seriously these days and it's a wee shame.
After the fridge-freezer broke yesterday, the maw rushed out and purchased a wee chest freezer from Comet. It is now sitting in front of my bedroom so that, once again, only one door is openable. For those that have never been in it, I must tell you that my room is tiny. It used to be a storage cupboard. I have so much junk in it that it was difficult to get into before. Now it is nearly impossible.
Still, I don't really care. I don't much enjoy being in my room anyway.
This is such a crap post. Full of shite that I'm not even thinking about so don't actually know what I'm typing. I dressed up for work this morning. I was a crazy dead person or something. A heavy sexy wan, obv. It was good fun.
I'm going out with Angelica tonight. Don't know where to. Maybe nowhere, maybe EVERYWHERE. The world is our oyster(s?).
Gosh, this has been positively boring. I must float away like a bat and find someone to annoy now. Nomnomnomnom...