Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Deutsches Prüfung?

Letzten Sommer hatte ich eine Stelle in Deautschland. Meine Freundin Katja hat die Stelle für mich gefunden, da sie in Berlin wohnt. Ich bin mit dem Flugzeug von Glasgow nach Berlin geflogen. Während der Reise habe ich mein Buch gelesen, weil es nur zwei Stunden war.

Ich habe als Kellnerin in einem Cafe gearbeitet. Ich habe das Geschirr gewaschen und ich habe die Kunden gedient. Es war alles ziemlich einfach aber manchmal war es sehr langweilig. Meine Kollegen waren sympatisch und freundlich und sie haben die Arbeit lohnend gemacht. Obwohl ich ein Paar Probleme mit dem Akzent gehabt habe, konnte ich meine Kollegen zeimlich gut verstehen.

In meiner Freizeit bin ich mit meinen Kollegen ins Kino und in die Kneipe gegangen. Es hat veil spaß gemacht! Wenn ich allein war, habe ich die Sehenswürdigkeiten gesehen - sie waren sehr interessant!

Im ganzen gesehen denke ich, daß die Erfahrung sehr vorteilhaft für mein Deutsch war und ich würde einen Aufenthalt in Berlin jedem empfehlen. Nächstes Jahr möchte ich nach Berlin zurückfahren, weil es so toll ist!

Aaaaaaahahahahaaa Deutsches... keyboard... interessiert mich.

Ich hoffe dieses Aufsatz ist morgen in meine Prüfungen.

Ja plz.

Zeit für Bett. ROFL Typing in German might help? Obwohl die Deutsches KEYBOARD sehr ärgerlich ist.

Aye anyway... why do they swap around the Y and Z key? It really makes typing in English difficult.

Yes... goodnight.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

pussycat pussycat...

I love you! Yeeeees, I doooooo

I just thought of that song after all the pictures of lolcats that I've been looking at recently (thanks to Robbie introducing me to Cheezburger)

So yes, it was my birthday on Friday. A lot of people forgot : o like my grannnnnny and some chuuuumzzzz. But I don't really care as long as the most important people remember. I had quite a nice day, although I had an exam. In the morning, Angelica came over and we lol'd about then I went up to school for my exam which started at 1pm.

After the exam I went and got Robbie and then we went into town. Seeing as how I got an Unlimited card for my birthday, it seemed right to go and see a film. We ended up seeing Magicians and it was really quite funny : ) some bits were a bit odd... haha but the dance in it is awesome. After the film we sat about Robbie's looking at lolcats, which was fun.

Yesterday I didn't feel well in the morning so I didn't do my paper round, but in the afternoon (after much more sleep) I went into CRUK. While in CRUK Alexis and Angelica popped round so Alexis could give me my present, which was really nice of them : ) they're both kl. I invited them round for cake in the evening but in the end, neither of them could make it. Thankfully though, Robbie could : D and we had a really, really lovely evening.


We're gonna enter The X Factor... and WE'LL WIN.

Lolololol oh yeah, and at the cinema, Robbie bought about eight pounds worth of Pick 'n' Mix.

I love him : )

Monday, May 21, 2007

Good golly miss gayface

Yeaahhhh, maths went alrighty.

Gosh it annoys me how Firefox puts red lines under typos. It's good if you're writing seriously, I suppose. (obv I am on my brother's computer account and that is why I am using Firefox - don't think I've converted! (even though I should, really...) )

Biology is in less than two hours. I feel a bit ill in a nervous way. I should probably eat something, but I don't really feel like it. I'll probably leave the house in AN HOUR. Aaaaghhhh my bother's account has sticky keys so pressing caps lock is annoying.


In the words of the mad wee guy from ehh I think Final Fantasy X or something (Sora? I think is his name...) "I've been having these weird dreams lately". LOL. But I have, and whenever I think of it I think of him saying it, cause he does.

Last night in my dream I couldn't find my stuff for the maths exam (even though I've already done it yas) and I had to go to the primary and it was weird... Very weird. And this guy in Papyrus was heavy pervin' on me. Freaky shizz.

The night before was worse, but I don't intend to divulge that dream to the internet as it's horrible : (

Saw Conversations With Other Women with Robbie on Friday and before that we saw My Best Friend which is a really awesome French film : ) I'm getting an unlimited card this week, which is very awesome also.

Oh and the new bit of H&M is sooo good. Like, seriously, peepz should check it awwwwt. That is what Angelica and I discovered yesterday when we went to go and see Black Snake Moan (sounds shite anyway) and Angelica forgot her card. The fewl.

Anyways, I am now off to prepare a tad for Biology. How exciting - I do love a good exam. Hahaha.

May God be with you. Peace awt.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Et je cours...

but not really. It is a line from lyk, the mad French song from mad Eurovision. France should have totally won. They were so cool. One guy was wearing pink with a black cat stuck on his shoulder. See, he is the one second from the left. He was very cool.

Unfortunately however, stupid Serbia won. The only good thing about their entry was that the woman singing looked like a guy which, in itself would not be funny but after my aunt texted my mother wondering whether the woman was male or female, well... it made for some interesting conversation. Aye.

Anyway, stupid songs and that aside, I am bored. English on Friday went alright and I'm pretty sure I passed, but I have no idea about my grade. Above a C would be nice. Maths is on Tuesday, but it is not causing nearly as much panic due to the fact that I find maths, like... fun. Rofl it's funny because I'm not joking.

Oh yeeeeeeeeeeees, no one replied to my last post when I was clearly seeking help : ( so I am most unhappy about that (although to be perfectly honest, I couldn't really care any less)

Uhh... what else? Nothing? Life is fine. Sometimes it is even gewwwwwwd. I could do with some sleep just now though.

Snoozesnooze. I hope this BLOGPOST has been enlightening to anyone who happens to decide to read it.

Au revoir. French is so much more interesting than DEUTSCH. Tschüss.