Thursday, June 29, 2006

Jeeeez, a whole school year has gone. That's a bit scary... so much has happened, and it all started last August. I'm not sure if this year has been amazing or awful. Well, it wasn't awful, and I'd say it was probably better than just good... so maybe it was a "fairly great" year. Yeah, something like that. I need to go away for two weeks now though. I don't want to... I'm gonna get so lonely. Especially without Robbie '^' sad frog.

But when I get back, it's gonna be so great =] I'm just trying to look forward to that just now. Anyway, here's a thing I stole from Heather. 'Cause we're all kleptozz.

During this past school year have you...

[x] skipped class?
[x] had a Boy/Girl "interest"?
[ ] fooled around with someone at school?
[x] kissed someone at school?
[x] hugged someone at school?
[ ] started a rumor?
[ ] gotten a detention?
[ ] cried in school?
[x] made new friends?
[ ] gone to a dance?
[ ] been to a pep ralley?
[ ] been in a pep ralley?
[ ] watched a football game?
[ ] watched a soccer game?
[ ] watched a baseball game?
[ ] watched a volleyball game?
[ ] watched a tennis match?
[ ] watched a basketball game?
[ ] watched a track meet?
[ ] watched a lacrosse game?
[ ] broken up with someone in school?
[x] been broken up with in school?
[ ] fought with a teacher?
[ ] got a 100% on a test?
[x] walked to school?
[ ] drove to school?
[x] got dropped off at school?
[ ] heard a rumor about yourself?
[ ] had something illegal at school?
[x] missed school when you weren't sick?
[x] failed a test?
[ ] made up some lame excuse for homework not being done?
[ ] the teacher believed your lame excuse?
[ ] you like a teacher you have?
[ ] crushed on a teacher?
[ ] hit on a teacher?
[ ] hate a teacher?
[x] on student council?
[ ] in a club?
[ ] got a scholarship?
[x] got an award?
[ ] fallen asleep in school?
[ ] gotten in trouble for falling asleep in class?
[x] had your phone go off in class?
[ ] had your phone taken away?
[x] lied to a teacher?
[x] laughed so hard you cried in class?
[ ] eaten lunch in the bathroom?
[ ] like your yearbook picture?
[ ] missed more than a week at once of school?
[x] enjoy school? ((Not for the lessons, though.)) (What Heather said...)
[x] excited for summer?
[ ] taking summer school?
[ ] have a summer job?
[x] had a Boy/Girl friend?
[x] fallen in love?
[x] cried over a boy/girl?
[x] gotten in a fight about something stupid?
[x] ruined a friendship?
[ ] had a bangin party with just your girls/guys?
[ ] been to a costume Party?
[ ] played truth or dare?
[x] been to school?
[x] gotten yelled at by all your teachers for talking?
[ ] argued with a teacher about a grade?
[x] had a birthday?
[ ] changed schools?
[x] highlighted/ dyed your hair?

See yazz soon.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I hate people. They're so shite, and so twisted. Sometimes it's fun, of course, but a lot of the time it's just plain stupid.

I don't mind, people are people and that's just how it is. Bitches are great though. Fabulous, one might say.

I don't know what this post is about actually... I wasn't really paying attention to what I was typing... I'm just trying to pass time because my stomach still hurts (it's getting quite ridiculous tbh) and I kinda wanna go to bed but if I go to bed I won't be able to sleep and I'll be like owowow... Or summin.

Tomorrow is Friday, amazingly enough and... I dunno... it's Angelica's birthday soon... so I need to present it up for her. Jeez.

Oh well... Innit.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I am so bored.

And there's still at least another hour until I go to school.

Robbie and I watched The Lion King yesterday =] 'twas verily good funz. We had some kind of munch going on too, with onion rings and shizz. Then after we'd watched it, we played about with the special features on the DVD, which are quite shite =o We played Smash for a bit too, and we were all rararararrrr killkill. It was funzz.

I'm a bit scared just now though. Well, more worried than scared probably... I don't like't, and I can't be bothered going to school, but I know that if I don't go in I'll be even more bored than I'd be if I did go in.


Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm bored. Teh net is teh boring.

It's been a good week I s'pose. The uni thing was horribly boring though, and I advise anyone thinking of going to it to just not bother. On Wednesday I didn't go, and instead went to see Jade Goody in Borders with Lloyd. We got there and the sign said "CANCELLED due to illness" which was shite, so we just wandered town for a few hours instead. It was quite fun.

Uhh yesterday Robbie and I went and saw Thank You For Smoking which is pretty good =] and then played Consequences for a couple hours. It was pretty funny, especially when Robbie rofl'd. Literally. Because I made him =o yaaaay.

Today was a'ight. I went to work with Caz then went with her to KG for a while. It was pretty boring, but her friends are really nice. Well, most of 'em anyway.

Tomorrow I'm seein' Robbie, I do believe. Emo heart @ him <3 woopwoop. Should be quite gewd. I think it's gonna rain though. Oh, and I've totally abducted his jumper. ABDUCTED4LYF. Well, until he takes it back FSEJT.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Quite a lot of stuffz happened today, but absolutely none of it was to do with the uni lectures (Earth Science and Geography today, which basically turned into more hangman)

Firstly, there was the fire in park circus. We were at the school when we noticed it, cause we went back there for our lunch break since Alexis needed to do music practice or something. We watched it from the history department. It was rather burny.

Other random shizz happened that I can't really remember right now as I am ratherly tired, but I do remember my mother telling me the name of our new neighbour.

You're gonna love this.


Guess who?

Michael Jackson. Though only in name, I believe.

Nice, non? Oh well, I can't be bothered typin' anymore. cul8r.

Monday, June 12, 2006

What an amazing weekend. I already wrote about Friday, which was the beginningz of the funness but Saturday was fantabulistic.

I met Robbie, Lloyd and Alex at the botanics at two and we then proceeded to... actually, it's difficult to write exactly what we did, because I'm not entirely sure. We basically just lol'd it up all weekend (Seriously, I think the most commonly spoken phrase was "lolol" or "rofl". Them, or "STEAK")

It's annoying to write this because whenever I try to write something it just looks exactly like Lloyd's post on the subject. Still, I'll try and give it an OMGMEESH spin.

Aye well, on Saturday we found DA SPOT which is absolutely fabulouuus, really. When it was absolutely boilin', DA SPOT was breezy and cool. We had a picnic of sorts there, with Coke and HARIBO WORLD MIX!!!+other Haribo, but not as fun. At random moments we would tumble into my house and eat all the food, or watch TV shizz which was alrighty. We played SNAP while Alex watched Dr. Who, but Robbie is teh cheatzorz-bandit. He kept stealin' da cards. Evil boyeee. I then had to be restrained while Robbie got Lloyd to look up ad libs on Google. They didn't get any in the end though.


We then parked it up, sitting in Dowanhill playing Chinese Whispers. Verily hilarious, but can't really write much about it because that's ALL we did there =o then we wandered a bit, sat on my doorstep, Alex's doorstep, just funked it up really. Them three then went off to Murray's to play DOA and I was summoned home. Fsejt.

Whoaaa Sunday. Sunday wasn't as fun as Saturday, but it was still good. I went and picked up the half-asleep trio from Murray's at half eleven and we all trekked about, trying to stay awake with energy drinks and Irn Bru (though to be honest, I was pretty awake anyway. They weren't =o) We checked out the festival and it was boriiiiing, so we buggered about and did other stuff for a while. MOGGYYYYYYYY COME BAAAAAACK!!!+dead mouse.

Alex and Lloyd retreated back to their houses for dinner at 5pm, so Robbie and I sat around at DA SPOT for a while. We made a musical. Kinda. Well, we wrote a very good version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

Oh, and one thing which will live on for a long time yet: THE CLAP!!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Friday, June 09, 2006

Oh so now Blogger decides to work. Well well.

Robbie juuuust left my housey like 10 minutes ago. 'Twas a fun daaay. I'm quite toired now but that is jusssst because my day was so gewd. An enjoyable day to le max, I should say. We bought "Party food" from Iceland and totally ATE IT. It was yumzz.

Yeah, I accidentally deleted my blog because I'm a total idiot, but it's kewl, I remade it... And I'll fix it once Blogger starts working totally okayee.

La-dee-daaaa =] it is le weekend. I r teh happaayyy.