Saturday, September 01, 2007

catdog! catdoooog! alone in the world was a little catdog.

Aaaahhhhh... what a programme.

Anyway, the title is not only referring to that weird TV show, but also to the fact that I am torn between getting a cat or a dog. I wanted a chihuahua, then a yorkie, then a maltese, then a dachshund (still kind of holding on to that one...), and now I'm thinking ragdoll kitten?

Because ragdolls are SO CUTE.

See, look! How pretty is that kitty? Very pretty. And they're meant to have a really easy-going, lazy temperament, so it'd be such a cool cat to have. I hope it wouldn't pick up tips from the others though, cause they're not cuddly at all! They're evil. I bet it would as well, and as soon as it was old enough to have a life of its own it would leave me behind and go and splay itself across my bed like Gayb does, and not even enjoy me stroking it : (

Oh well, they're so fluffy! I want a fluffy pet. But I probably won't end up getting any, because I should really save my money for more necessary ventures...

All this week I have been paper rounding, and it's amazing the people you see out and about some mornings! This week I've seen Alex, Angelica's dad (twice!), Ross (this morning), Harry Padda from my old biology class and Kate, just to name a few! I got £25 for doing it all last week, and £35 for doing a bit of stock-taking on Thursday and Friday. Nine today for this morning's paper round too.

Bleaghhhh BUT I have two days off now : ) then I need to do the week day ones again because they have no one else. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow : D and I can't wait to see Robbieeee too. Gosh, I hope tomorrow is worth all my excitedness and anticipationz. I have not seen Robbie since Wednesday. That probably doesn't sound like a very long time, and, well, I guess it isn't. But it just makes meeeee more exciteeeed about seeing his big face.

Lolbigface. I'm such a bully.

Oh oh omg Tuesday night was so much fun! Me and Robbie travelled to Edinburgh with Steve's friend Pete in a big van! Omg the van was so much fun because you had to climb up into it and you could slide out. Hahaha it was good! The way back was good too, but I was so tired I basically just dozeeeed against Robbie for it all (well, it was almost my bed time!)

On Thursday I saw Alexis and Angelica for a little while, and I was going to go to Angelica's and make cakes with her too, but by the time we got kicked from the Kibble Palace (for it was shutting, not because we are hooligans) it was 6pm and I was honestly so tired, so I just went home.

Anyway, I feel this is long and pointless and nonsensical enough now. Catchhhhh!


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