BORED hahahahahahaaaaa

the sun has got his hat on.
but not really.
The weather forecast on BBC weather today makes me : ) it's the wee sun (as shown).
It doesn't look THAT sunny outside though... but I haven't been out yet. I can't wait to get out. I'm totally rararararARRArararRARArarararRRraaaring to go fs hahaahhaahaa. I talk such baws.
ANYWAY, I really have not much to say. I went to Murray's yesterday for 'twas his birthday and he had a small "bbq" type thing. It was alright. Saw a few people I haven't seen in a wee bit which was kl man. Then after that most of them went to da cinema, but I went tae Robbie's and saw his new TV. It's MASSIVE. Seriously. Very yummy. We watched METAAAAAAALLLLL on it (a strange band called Strapping Young Lad... don't bother looking them up) which was quite funny. After that we just basically LAZED (well, he tidied and I lazed).
Not much else to say now... SUNSHIIIIIIINE. My brother is playing Guitar Hero. It's kind of annoying. It should have Alice Cooper on it...
I like that song. How sad is that? Very, I know.
Anyway, this is BORING and I'm still not outside. I'm ready to go out go out go out go out. I feel like going on some swings. Swingswingswing.
I haven't been to the cinema in ALMOST A WEEK!!! Not since last Wednesday!!! I'm not really that bothered though, cause getting into town is tiring anyway harharhar. I wanna see Hairspray again though. It pwnz so much pwnpwnpwn.
I need money.
Does anyone want to buy a cat? He's quite friendly... he was sitting on my phone the other day and was not even deterred when it started vibrating and singing beneath him. He's hardy. He wouldn't get off my bed last night even though I was shoving him off TO THE MAX. Eventually, he left.
You can't have the other cat... Well, you can for a good price. He was digging about in my bed earlier... I really don't know why. Digging around under my cushions and stuff. I'll probably find a dead rat in there later.
That's a shame, cause I really like rats. And mice. And guinea pigs : D
ANYWAYANYWAYANYWAY... Genug scheiß ja? Oh jaaaa. Ich brauche Sonnenschein.
Fare thee well, mes amis. Catch.
Ohmy, my brother just failed miserably at the song he was doing... it was the first good song I've heard him do as well : ( Cheap Triiickkkkk! Aye whatevz. BYENOW.
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