Friday, June 22, 2007


What a lovely week I have had. On Saturday, Robbie and I saw Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, which was alrighty, but a bit boring at partzzz. On Sunday... hm... omg I almost forgot there : P Robbie and I went to the Mela in Kelvingrove. There was supposed to be a wee group of us going, but no one wanted to come, so Robbie and I just went, and it was a nice day. We sat down a lot. Roflrofl. And we couldn't get pakora >: ( but it was gewd. We then went back to mine and played Scrabble, I believe.

Monday was boring. Well, it was alright but not much was done. I sat in the park with Angelica, Liam and Neil for a little bit, but it was not enough to cure my boredom. Went to bed before 10pm that night : o but Tuesday was good. Robbie and I went into tooooown to get birthday presents for his sister's birthday. The Early Learning Centre is awesome. We got her three books and skittles : ) bowling skittles! They roxxxxxxxx. After we had shopped we went to the cinema and saw Grow Your Own, which was pretty good. Something interesting did happen though... my granpa was allowed home from the hospital. He's totally not ready to be out, but I dunno... it's what he wanted, I suppose.

Wednesday was a funfun day. Went into town with maw in the morning then in the afternoon went to Robbie's dad'z with Robbie (and Sean) for his sister's party. It was really good : D and I had lotz o' fun. The bookz+skittlez seemed well recieved. Roz made chocolate cake. It was very yummy. Robbie and I found a pouuund in the park. At about haaaalf seven, Robbie and I ventured on da bus into town, then walked back to his to practise our Wii Bowling, because we are going to win the tournament... o.O lole... We also bought noodles with the pound we found.

YESTERDAY (that's Thursday) Robbie came up to mine so we could practise more Bowling. It's difficult because sometimes you can do really well and sometimes it all goes wrong : / My high score is 199 though. PROUD, MAN, PROUD. Yah, so while Robbie wiz here, I lost at Scrabble (I have never beaten Robbie...) and we dyed his hair. It looks reeeeeeeally nice. BLUE-BLAAAACKKKKKKK! It's looooovely. I got a lot of dye on his skin, but I think in time it will look less gangrenous : )

Mmmmm yeees, and today... Well, today is odd. I am going up to school for MTA to say goodbye to Mr. Roberts as he takes his early retirement, and also to see my chum Angelica who I have not seen since Monday. Although those are not the reasons why today is odd. Today is odd because when I went to do my paper round the guy behind the counter introduced me to a guy called Gieseppi (or something like that) and told me that this was the boy who would be taking over my paper round from me. I was partly relieved at the prospect of no longer having to get up every morning, but I was also a bit worried because now I would have a substantially lower amount of money every week to put in the bank. Oh well, I still have the Saturday one.

But, back on track, that was also not what is odd about today. Gieseppi was Italian. Fair enuff, right? Sure, nothing wrong wiv being Italian. Except...

He can't speak English.

Okay, okay, he's only here for a month so really, he doesn't need a lot of English but he wasn't even taught it in school... he knows about as much English as I know French (and I've never taken a French class in my life) so when I asked him "Why have you come here to Scotland then?" he replied "hmm... yes... ees very nice".

It is quite the language barrier. And I had to show him the route he is doing. He also can't read the list properly and therefore can't collect the right papers for the right houses. I've to go in to show him around again on Monday and Tuesday. I pray he is a fast learner, because small-talk between two people who do not have a single language in common (He doesn't even speak German : ( ) is very scarce.

Gosh I've written quite a lot. I've had a nice week. It has been enjoyable, even if this morning was strenuous, and then there's the tournament this weekend : o I wonder how that will go.

'Til next time, peepz. Ciao.


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