Sunday, December 02, 2007



So, I applied to this marketing company online right? And they replied : ) BUT they said I needed to be over-18 to work for them. They said they'd keep my file though, and I'm really happy that they replied at all, because most people just don't...

But still, my mum said the reason most people won't employ me is probably because of my age. Maybe it's just because I'm shite, I don't know.

Maroon 5 was really good : ) there's loads of photos from it on my Bebo, if you wish to take a swatch. Dashboard Confessional were really good too. It was so funny, we were like "omg they're so good we love them" and then the guy was like "I wrote this one while I was in prison"



So yes, that was me, Debbie, Angelica and Alexis. It was GOOOOOD.
On Wednesday, however, I seem to recall doing nothing. How to Look Good Naked and The Love Trap were both good though.

On Thuuuursday, I went to Interfest with Debbie, Jamie and Umar, then Kate joined us when we were there : D It was pretty fun, although some of the acts suck'ddd. Saw a few people I hadn't seen in a while and got lots of hugs though, which was niiice. I drank a lot of energy juice though, which is probably what made me ill (and act slightly like a junkie on the night).

Friday... Oh, I went up to Debbie's and we watched Serendipity. It's quite good, but not as sad as I expected. That was good : D We got a hefto munch from Tesco. Nomnomnom. The doughnuts from there are amazing btw! I think that was also the morning that Angelica randomly came up. I phoned her and she was like "I'm just outside your house, hold on".

Haha I love it when people unexpectedly come over. It's lovely.

ANYWAY, yesterday was interesting. My mum's friend came up (or rather... down, I think... I'm not sure where she stays...) and we went shopping on Byres Road. I did some Christmas shopping and zee like, then we went for coffee in Patisserie Francois. I had hot chocolate and a chocolate brownie, which I soon realised was far too much chocolate. It was nice though. Then, my mum's friend went home. Mum and me went out to the shops again later to try and find my magazine (and batteries and stuff) but they didn't have it anywhere : ( and they stopped my file in the newsagents. LOL.

Mum bought me Soothers from Boots. 2 packets for 60p : o that is such a deal btw, cause they're like, more than 60p in the newsagent for just one packet!

Anyway, I am aware that I am now talking rubbish. Robbie is meant to be coming up today. I don't know when. Quite soon, I hope, because I'm rather bored.


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