Sunday, October 01, 2006


I wasn't sure whether to call this post 'A Grand Day Out' or 'LAAAAAAPKIIIIIIN!!!' but in the end, there really was only one choice. Lapkin<3

Yesterday was one of the best days so far this year. Got the bus to Edinburgh with Robbie at about quarter past ten and got to the zoo at about twenty past eleven.

The zoo is so cool. The red panda was OBV the best, cause it was running up a tree and then it was eating an apple andand, it was just so cute! We saw a little baby gibbon getting molested by an older, racist gibbon, which was very lol. At the tapirs there was a hilarious woman who told her grandson that the tapirs were "too lazy to look at" (you really need the accent to understand the greatness though) and there was a wee skater emo boy who said many hilarious things at the zebras, such as "I want to climb that building to commit suicide on it", "this is great to do a 360 off of" and "oh, thatched roofs are the easiest things to set fire to". He was very funny, and made us laugh for quite a while.

Before we left, we had hotdogs and I bought Lapkin. Lapkin pwnz btw, just in case you were not aware. He pwnz lyk a pwnmeister.

After that, we walked to Princes Street. It took ageeeezz, but it was an okay walk, since it was sunnyyyy-la-la-la. Once we were at THE STREET we had lunch in Pizza Hut, which was rathurr gewd. Also, we saw the coolest guy ever, who can only ever be summed up by the words "woe yo yo, woe yo yo yo".

See? So many cool things happened yesterday that I don't know how to write about =o =o they're too cool!

Yah, after lunch, Robbie bought EXPENSIVE JEANS. EXPENSE. RARARARARARARARARRRR. Very noice thougghhh. And then we went home.

It was all very kewl. very very fun. suuuuuuch a good day <3<3lolz =]

Ohh, btw...



Blogger Chris said...

Is lapkin a red panda or a bear >.>?

10:45 pm  

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